The Most Unusual and Exotic Foods You Have to Try
Friday, December 30, 2022
Do you want to try something truly unique? Are you looking for the most exotic dishes from around the world? If so, you’ve come to the right place – there are some truly interesting flavors out there waiting to be discovered.
From the strange delicacies of Japan to the unusual flavors of South America, here are some of the most unusual and exotic foods you have to try:
1. Escamoles, Mexico: Also known as ant eggs, escamoles are a traditional Mexican dish made from the larvae of ants. They are usually served sautéed with butter and garlic, and have a nutty, earthy flavor.
2. Casu Marzu, Italy: This unusual Italian cheese contains live insect larvae. It is usually served with honey or fig jam, and the larvae give it an incredibly pungent flavor.
3. Hákarl, Iceland: Hákarl is a traditional Icelandic dish made from fermented shark meat. It has a strong ammonia-like smell, and the flavor can be described as fishy and salty.
4. Pacha, Peru: Pacha is a traditional Peruvian dish made from cow’s feet. It is usually served in a stew with potatoes and spices, and has a unique, gelatinous texture.
5. Sannakji, South Korea: This dish is made from live octopus, cut into small pieces and served with a spicy sauce. The pieces of octopus are still moving when served, and the tentacles can be chewy and difficult to eat.
6. Sago Worms, Indonesia: Sago worms are a traditional Indonesian delicacy made from larvae that live in sago palm trees. They are usually cooked in a spicy sauce, and have a crunchy texture.
7. Shirako, Japan: Shirako is a traditional Japanese dish made from the milt (sperm) of male fish. It has a creamy, custard-like texture, and is usually served in a miso soup.
These are just a few of the world’s most unusual and exotic foods. If you’re feeling brave, why not give them a try? You never know, you might find yourself developing a taste for the unexpected. Bon Appetit!